正常價格 $3,973.00 節省$0.00錐形鏈節在您的手腕周圍形成美麗的弧度,似乎一直圍繞著它。這種對看似傳統設計的改進使它與眾不同,這也是您會喜歡 Velo 的地方。它既有輕巧的彩色鋁材,也有多種華麗的實心不銹鋼飾面。如果您是那種將手錶的重量與質量等同起來的人,這款精鋼錶帶是您的不二之選。
(這適合所有42/44/45/49毫米 Apple Watch)
Starting with a classic 3-row link design, we went back to the drawing board and re-designed it from the ground up. As always, we "JUUKed" up the Velo to make it better.
As with the Vitero, we re-engineered the aluminum link profile by adding a subtle taper. The result is just a beautifully smooth curvature around your wrist that a flat link cannot achieve. It almost looks like it's wrapping around the contours of your wrist.
If you're looking for a more traditional look, but still appreciate further refinements not found elsewhere, the Velo is definitely worth your consideration.
This Velo band, made of 6000 series hard anodized aluminum, fits all generations of the 42mm (2015-2017), 44mm, 45mm, 46mm and 49mm Apple Watch (Series 0-10, Ultra 1/2 & SE).
Ships in 2-3 business days.